Department Overview

With the inception of CSIIT in the year 1995, the Department of Science and humanities started functioning as a department for pursuing excellence. The department has a team of highly-qualified and well-experienced faculty members and non-teaching staff. Many faculty members are experts in the emerging fields of English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physical Sciences and have made significant contributions in their own spetializations. The aim of the department is to broadly educate aspiring engineering students in the basics of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & English which serve as a platform for the growth of students in their further study of Technical subjects. The strength of the department lies in the perfect synchronization of knowledge and skills. The major motivating factor of the department is the commitment and team work that is exhibited in the teaching-learning process. Extra care is taken to offer special coaching class during weekends and crash course closer to the University Examinations, tailor-made to suit the needs of all types of students.

Students are trained in Group Discussions, Presentations and Interview skills in order to make them employable. The faculty members of the department actively participate and present papers in conferences and attend programmes such as workshop, seminar, FDP etc. Various guest lectures and industrial visits are arranged for the students to acquire practical knowledge in their course of study.